Cubicle Bye Bye

Cubicle Bye Bye

Cubicle Bye Bye
Cubicle Bye Bye
Cubicle Bye Bye
Cubicle Bye Bye
Cubicle Bye Bye
Cubicle Bye Bye


CubicleByeBye is a self-employment and entrepreneurship career blog. It provides news, tips and inspiration to help entrepreneurs through their daily challenges. CubicleByeBye’s core subject is helping people find well-being at work.

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FaniloDumiroir Account verified Digital Art Director and Illustrator

Hello, I'm Fanilo, a versatile Art Director who loves to diversify experiences and points of view to find the best solution to a project. Within the last ten years, I explored various sectors of Design and as many types of clients. My journey from Branding, visual communication and marketing, to webdesign as an UI / UX designer and a digital illustrator made the designer I believe I am now : versatile, open-minded, reactive and always enthusiastic about bringing my skills and expertise to new projects. Don't hesitate to contact me for any design need I can help you with.