

Emerging Seller 👨🏻‍💻 Available now Offline
  • Fashion Designer
  • Member since July 27, 2024
Hand Picked
Hand-picked expert

nikimac13 is a handpicked professional.

Early Bird Adopter
Early bird adopter

nikimac13 is an early bird adopter


  • American English Native
  • italiano Conversational
  • français canadien Conversational
  • español Basic

About me

I am a fashion designer with many years experience in the industry. My previous jobs have been for well known brands designing men's clothing. I am currently offering my skills for freelance work here on Gigs Unleashed.

Recent gigs

create 1 fashion technical sketch and 1 techpack
Starting at $150.00
create 4 fashion technical sketches
create 4 fashion technical sketches
2 Days delivery
( 0 ) Review
Starting at $115.00
