
Farrukh Amir

Account verified
Emerging Seller 👨🏻‍💻 Available now Offline
  • Member since July 23, 2024
Hand Picked
Hand-picked expert

Farrukh54 is a handpicked professional.

Early Bird Adopter
Early bird adopter

Farrukh54 is an early bird adopter


  • ID Verified


  • English Conversational

About me

🎮 Dive into the future of gaming with a seasoned Unity Developer at your service! Specializing in crafting immersive 2D/3D, AR, and VR experiences, I bring your gaming visions to reality. From captivating single-player adventures to dynamic multiplayer arenas, I ensure optimized performance and engaging mechanics for a seamless player journey. With a passion for pushing boundaries and a knack for creating the next big hit, let's collaborate to make gaming magic happen. Ready to level up? Let's create something extraordinary together! 🌟

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